According to reports, Apple’s new iOS can distinguish between fake and genuine AirPods. The recently released iOS 16 is said to be able to detect fake AirPods and AirPods Pro, which worries the iPhone manufacturer. In a statement, the AirPods maker said that the sale of counterfeit AirPods is a thriving business on many marketplaces such as eBay, Craigslist and Facebook.
Apple has gone into great detail about the difference between genuine and fake AirPods. This report highlights that it has become difficult for users to distinguish between genuine and fake products. According to the company, those who sell fake AirPods have developed the ability to fake AirPods at every step, from the hardware to the packaging and the assembly process. The company said in a statement that this makes it difficult to distinguish between a genuine product and a fake.
According to reports, counterfeiters have even managed to spoof the serial number of AirPods on Apple’s website. Apple also said that to prevent the purchase of counterfeit AirPods, the company recommends that customers buy the products from their authorized dealers. However, the attractive prices of fake Apple AirPods made users ignore his recommendation. According to reports, in Apple’s new iOS 16, when you try to connect a fake pair of AirPods, the system will quickly notify the user.
According to this report, if the user manages to test them on the new iOS. According to reports, Apple lost about 3.2 billion. Also, according to estimates by the American Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the number of fake AirPods is only 2.5% of all fakes. According to some data, the most fake AirPods are located in Hong Kong. According to some reports, users buy fake AirPods due to lack of awareness or find cheaper ones.
In its statement, Apple added that the main issue concerns the security of AirPods. Apple has reported cases of AirPods catching fire. The company asked its users to search for its original products. It is important that customers are confident that they are buying a genuine product and that they are not tricked into thinking they are buying something they are not.”