According to recent reports, the Delhi High Court has dismissed Facebook’s plea challenging the CCI inquiry into WhatsApp’s privacy policy in 2021. To learn more about this news, read the full article. According to various reports, the privacy policies of WhatsApp and Facebook have been under scrutiny for a long time, as they violate competition standards and user privacy policies.
Noting that the court had already dismissed Facebook’s lawsuit, Justice Yashwant Verma told the court that the “luxury of litigation” should end. “With due respect to you, you suddenly got up and defied the order. Little by little. There should be an end to this luxury to prosecute,” Justice Verma said.
“There should be a prima facie reason to direct the Director General to conduct any inquiry.” I am pained by the battle order. The claims are true. “I’m an affiliate, but I’m not involved in policy making,” said Barak Tripathi, senior advisor at Facebook India. WhatsApp has made several arguments, one of which is that their privacy policy has been suspended until the introduction of the new data protection bill, and therefore no one can question their privacy policy.
The Indian government has repealed the old data protection bill and plans to introduce a new data protection bill. Facebook also argued that there was not enough preliminary information to continue the investigation. The CCI said the investigation would continue because the new privacy plans did not overrule it. Meta wants its employees to find new opportunities
Meta is the parent company of Facebook and also owns WhatsApp and Instagram. If you don’t know much about it, this article will give you an idea. Mark Zuckerberg leads meta, and the company aims to bridge the gap between different communities with its services. It provides a platform for people to express themselves in the most creative way.
It is a safe place where people can reveal their true selves and be grateful for it. This company has many rules and regulations regarding posted content. The purpose of this company is to improve people’s lives by making it easier to communicate with others. Using modern technology and skilled personnel, this company aims to create a safe, secure and interesting platform for communication and research.